Tree Giveaways

NYRP distributes 3,500 free trees every year.

The 2025 NYRP free tree giveaway season kicks off on Saturday, April 5, 2025 and will continue on Saturdays and Sundays through Sunday, May 4, 2025.

Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media for updates about 2025 tree giveaway registration.


Since 2008, NYRP has distributed more than 75,000 trees to thousands of New York City’s residents and institutions across all five boroughs. Thanks to everyone who has participated in the program, these trees make our city a cleaner, more vibrant place to live.

To celebrate the work our of our recipients to plant and care for their trees, we are collecting photos of NYRP trees through the years. We will also use this information to improve the giveaway program by studying which species are thriving and struggling in response to climate change.

If you have received a tree from NYRP through one of our giveaways, please use the form below to upload photos. We will check for the information you provide in our records, and if we find a match, you will have the opportunity to register early for our giveaways in 2025!

We may also share the photos on social media (with personal information removed), and follow up with you by email or phone for more information about your tree.

NYRP Tree Giveaway FAQ

What is NYRP’s tree giveaway program?

NYRP’s tree giveaway program is an annual spring event series where NYRP partners with community-based organizations across New York City to distribute free trees to New York City residents.

When are the giveaway events?

NYRP’s tree giveaway events are held on Saturdays and Sundays from mid-April through mid-May.

How do I get a tree?

Each spring, NYRP will post the schedule of events for that year on our website:

The schedule will include locations, dates, and times for each giveaway event. Each event will have its own individual event page with a free tree registration form.

Where are the events?

Giveaway events are held at a selection of community-based organizations and public locations including libraries, community gardens, botanical gardens, and parks among others. Each year, there is always at least one event held in each of New York City’s five boroughs. NYRP spreads the giveaways evenly across the city and holds events at accessible sites.

What if registration for an individual giveaway event is full?

Not everyone who registers in advance will come to pick up their tree, so we always have trees available for first-come, first-serve walk-ups during the second half of the event.

How much does it cost to get a tree?

Nothing! The trees are free.

What tree species does NYRP distribute?

The species NYRP distributes changes each year, but we always have a mix of small, medium, and large trees. We also have a mix of trees that do and do not provide fruit. All tree species are native to North America and selected for their appropriateness for New York City’s climate.

Are there any restrictions to receive a tree?

The only requirements for receiving a tree are that:

  1. It must be planted on private property within New York City’s five boroughs.
  2. The tree cannot be planted in public parks or in a street tree pit.

If you are uncertain whether a location is suitable for a tree from NYRP, please contact [email protected] and we will provide guidance on acceptable planting locations.

Why does NYRP host the free tree giveaway program?

Trees are a vital part of the urban environment, providing critical benefits for people and wildlife. NYRP distributes trees to expand our city’s urban forest, especially in neighborhoods with below-average tree cover.

How can I find out when the schedule is posted and registration opens?

Sign up for NYRP’s newsletter here, where we will send an email sharing info about the tree giveaway program as soon as registration opens. You can also follow us on social media for future program updates.

Our Tree Legacy

We started our very popular free tree giveaways in 2010 as part of the MillionTreesNYC initiative, which we led in partnership with the NYC Parks Department.

Our Story

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