Past Event
Sustainable Fashion Party at Gil Hodges Community Garden

Join us at Gil Hodges Community Garden for an evening of celebrating with drinks, snacks, music, circular outfits, and a special announcement!
Circular fashion is only possible if we all work together, so grab your sustainable besties for a better start to fashion week party! Circular outfits encouraged – wear your favorite vintage, upcycled, and/or repaired looks! Not only is this FABSCRAP’s 8th Anniversary, but we’ll be sharing some industry-changing news at the party too!
Rain Date: Friday September 13th, 6-8:30p
FABSCRAP is a nonprofit organization that has pioneered a system to recycle and reuse fabric waste, creating an accessible materials resource for creative communities while reducing the fashion industry’s impact on the planet.
Reclypt is a hub that explores how we create change in the circular economy. We believe that impactful change can only happen with community.
Please check NYRP’s social media for the latest updates regarding outdoor event cancellations due to inclement weather and air quality.