View the complete PDF of our 2020 Annual Report
When I began the role of Executive Director at New York Restoration Project in February 2020, I could not have imagined what would follow just one month later when COVID-19 hit—a crisis that continues to this day. As a life-long New Yorker, I was deeply struck by the impacts of the pandemic to my home and felt the loss on a personal level. I made it my goal to ensure that NYRP was an active part of local recovery and that we would continue to provide essential resources and services to the communities who have been hit hardest.
This past year has only underscored how critical access to quality open space is for our mental and physical health. Since the pandemic struck, New Yorkers have been relying on open space more than ever before, with city parks now seeing pre-COVID weekend levels of use on a daily basis.
Despite this dramatic increase, as of May 2020, open space nonprofit organizations like NYRP—which collectively support 50 percent of the city’s public parks and green spaces—suffered a devastating revenue loss of $37 million dollars due to the pandemic. This translates to 40,000 lost hours of maintenance citywide, 110,000 lost hours of horticultural care, and numerous lost jobs.
In April 2020, to address this emergency, I helped form the NYC Parks and Open Space Partners. This diverse coalition of over 30 parks conservancies and advocacy groups have worked together ever since to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and advocate for increased funding of open space. In May, we issued the remarkable “Report on COVID-19 Impact on Public Spaces,” which you can read here.
While the challenges of COVID-19 will continue into 2021, this new year presents an opportunity to ensure that our green spaces remain a priority. Upcoming elections for Mayor, City Council, and Borough Presidents provide a chance for us to raise our voices for urban green space and environmental justice. I recently wrote an op-ed on this topic, entitled “The Election No One Is Talking About (Yet).” You can read the full article here.
Amidst the pandemic, NYRP has also celebrated our 25th anniversary. Our work has left an indelible mark on New York City and our success to date is a testament to the strength and integrity of the organization, which will carry us forward into the next quarter century.
This is all possible because of the generous support of our donors. On behalf of the entire NYRP team, thank you for standing with us during this unprecedented time to ensure that all New Yorkers can experience the critical benefits of nature. I look forward to working with you in 2021.
With gratitude,
Lynn B. Kelly, Executive Director
For over 25 years, New York Restoration Project has pioneered a model to turn underutilized public spaces into beloved community assets, making our city cleaner, greener, and healthier for 8.6 million residents.
The past year has been unique in so many ways—some expected and others not. Early in the year, we kicked off our 25th anniversary by welcoming Lynn Kelly as NYRP’s new Executive Director. Unfortunately, just one month later, COVID-19 hit and devastated many of the communities where NYRP works. The immediate impact of the pandemic prompted NYRP to adapt and innovate like never before.
As New Yorkers, we understand how essential open space is to a thriving city. Community parks and gardens support mental and physical health, offer a safe place for children to play, and provide fresh, locally grown food. For all these reasons, New Yorkers need the respite of open space now more than ever. In particular, the pandemic has exacerbated the existing food insecurity crisis throughout the city, underscoring the importance of NYRP’s work in urban agriculture.
Despite the incredible challenges of this past year, we found many reasons to celebrate this milestone for NYRP. In 2020 alone, we:
Thanks to strong leadership, strategic management, and our dedicated donors, NYRP has been able to persevere and deliver essential services throughout this crisis. As the city begins the long process of rebuilding, NYRP will be a vital part of that recovery, working at the intersection of environmental and social justice to make communities safer, healthier, and happier.
Thank you for standing with us to ensure that all New Yorkers can access the critical benefits of green space. Your support has already made such a difference, and it is what will carry NYRP’s mission forward into the next 25 years.
With gratitude,
Helena Durst and Darcy Stacom,
Board of Trustees Co-Chairs
New York Restoration Project believes that access to nature is a fundamental human right.
This past year was always going to be busy for NYRP’s Operations and Capital teams: we began 2020 with ambitious plans to renovate over 15 green spaces for community partners and totally overhaul two of our biggest gardens all while continuing our routine maintenance rounds throughout the city.
Read MoreCOVID-19 fundamentally reshaped many of NYRP’s core programs in 2020: in-garden events, tree giveaways, and nature education moved online immediately for the health and safety of all involved.
Read MoreWhen lockdown began in March, the essential nature of our parks and gardens became immediately clear. Spring was around the corner and New Yorkers needed to get outside safely. NYRP community garden members—volunteers who work together to steward each garden—doubled down on using their spaces to serve their neighbors.
Read MoreThis statement of functional expense does not include work that has been capitalized. In FY20, NYRP made renovations and improvements valued at $1.4 million to our community gardens and parks. As described in this report, these capital improvements are designed to ensure that NYRP’s green spaces will be functional, accessible, resilient, and beautiful for years to come.
Board of TrusteesBette Midler, Founder |
Chairman’s CouncilJanice Parker, Chair |
For our 25th Anniversary, city landmarks including the Empire State Building turned NYRP green in honor of our environmental justice work. Credit: Ben Hider
This past year was truly like none other. We are grateful for our generous donors who ensured that we could continue working when our city needed us most.
This alphabetical list includes donors who gave $1,000 or more between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020. This list has been prepared with care but if there is an error, please notify us at [email protected].
Anonymous (9) Barbara A. Abeles Lloyd Abramowitz Marina Adams E.B. Alexander Linda Allard Roger C. Altman and Jurate Kazickas Amazon American Express Dennis Arfa Samuel Ashner Gillian Attfield Bob Balaban Bank of New York Mellon Kim and Pamela Baptiste Merissa Basens Bruce Baughman Carolyn and Laurence Belfer Bell & Anderson LLC Charles Bendit David and Robbie Bent Benton-Yang Foundation Frank J. Bisignano Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) Noble Black The Blackstone Group Bloomberg Philanthropies Jacob Bluestein Foundation Scott Brennan Diane and Clyde Brownstone Kelly Bush Novak C.A.L. Foundation, Inc. Capalino+Company CBRE Foundation, Inc. CGCC Foundation Betty Y. Chen and Peter Coombe Cathy Chernoff Peter L. Christensen Eric Clapton Susannah Drake and Monty Cleworth The Clinton Family Foundation Adam Cohen Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation Susan Courtemanche Gavin Creel Tracey Cunningham Carole Bayer Sager and Bob Daly Daniels Family Foundation Laurie David Clive J. Davis Todd DeGarmo // STUDIOS Architecture Ellin and Ron Delsener The Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation Discovery, Inc. The Walt Disney Company, Inc. Dormitory Authority of the State of New York Peggy and Millard Drexler Fiona and Stanley Druckenmiller Elvis Duran and Alex Carr Susanne and Douglas Durst The Durst Organization EarthShare New York The Estate of Miriam Enders Nora Ephron and Nicholas Pileggi Foundation Diana Erbsen Mica Ertegün The Ettinger Foundation EvensonBest Farm Credit Northeast AgEnhancement The Ferriday Fund Charitable Trust Flood-Gamble Foundation, Inc. Thomas and Mindy Fortin Susan P. Friedman Elliot Friman Gabelli Funds David Geffen Foundation Samuel Goldberg & Sons Foundation Amy Goldman Fowler and Cary Fowler John and Marcia Goldman Philanthropic Fund Goldman, Sachs & Co. The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Peter and Beth Greene Marni J. Grossman Allen and Deborah Grubman The Joseph Handleman “I Believe in You Trust” Foundation Kitty Hawks and Lawrence Lederman The Morris A. Hazan Family Foundation Molly Heines and Thomas Moloney Heinz Family Foundation The Mary Hilem Taylor Foundation New York Hilton Midtown Hines Edmund D. Hollander, FASLA Walter Hood James C. Hormel IAC Ingalls & Snyder LLC JFK International Air Terminal, LLC Elton John Charitable Fund Jujamcyn Theaters Sonny Kalsi Stanley Kane Charitable Trust The J.M. Kaplan Fund Dr. Harvey Karp and Nina Montée Karp Kenneth Cole Productions Foundation Molly McNearney and Jimmy Kimmel The Kite Key Foundation Michael Kors and Lance Le Pere Sophie Coquillette Koven The Kovner Foundation Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP Christina Labonte Helen D. Lally Sherry Lansing The Ronald and Jo Carole Lauder Foundation |
The Ralph and Ricky Lauren Family Foundation, Inc. Mary Lawrence Lear Family Foundation The Leibowitz and Greenway Family Charitable Foundation Peter Levine Live Nation Madison Square Garden Maine Beer Company Scott and Laura Malkin Shelly and Tony Malkin The Malkin Fund, Inc. Douglas S. Marron Arlene McKay Paul Mesher Michael Kors (USA), Inc. Bette Midler and Martin von Haselberg Janet and Tom Montag The Moore Charitable Foundation Morgan Stanley MRB Foundation John Michael Murphy Ryan Murphy and David Miller Margo M. and James L. Nederlander Kathy and Ben Needell Netflix New York City Department of Youth and Community Development New York City Green Fund of the City Parks Foundation New York Community Trust New York State Department of Environmental Conservation New York State Department of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation The Non Nobis Solum Foundation Norinchukin Foundation Cynthia Ofer Mark Owens Darryl Pardi Janice Parker, ASLA Patagonia Elizabeth T. Peabody Mary Louise Pierson Catherine Podell Hayley Podschun Bo and Anna Polk Posner-Wallace Foundation Paul T. Jones II and Sonia M. Jones Vered Rabia Caryl B. Ratner Katharine J. Rayner Heather Reisman and Gerald Schwartz Resnick Foundation, Inc. Timothy A. Robert Robert A.M. Stern Architects, LLP David Rockwell Scott Rudin Productions The Rudin Foundation, Inc. S&P Global Michael Samuelian Sawyer|Berson Stephen Scanniello and Dane Twining Andrew Schiff Paul D. Selver Senlac Ridge Partners, LLC Marc Shaiman Bill Shanahan David M. Sherman The Shubert Organization Wendy Silverstein Drobner and Family Marilyn and Jim Simons Joshua Sirefman and Sarah Kim Scott and Laura Malkin Iris and Michael Smith Patty Smyth and John McEnroe Garrett Snider Darcy Stacom, CBRE Jon Recor and Daniel Stewart Linda and Jerry Stone The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation Trudie Styler and Sting Taconic Investment Partners Taranto Family Foundation The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation Linda and Brian Tauscher Tiger Baron Foundation Ann and Andrew Tisch Dan and Sheryl Tishman Tishman Speyer Deirdre Towers Kathleen H. Tripp Turner Broadcasting System Inc. UBS Americas Estate of Arthur E. Ullrich Margaret and Michael Valentine Ron VanDeVeen Sophie F. von Haselberg and Harry Guinness Linda Wachner Holly B. Wallace WarnerMedia Charles S. Warren Webb & Brooker, Inc Christina Weiss Lurie Jann S. Wenner Amos Tappan Wilder Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks Jill Quentzel Winston Andrea Woodner Ryan Worsing Jennifer L. Wray The Zankel Fund David Zedeck Ann Ziff Isaac Zion |
Consolidated Financial Statement
Annual Report
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Consolidated Financial Statement
Annual Report
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Consolidated Financial Statement
Annual Report
Form 990
Consolidated Financial Statement
Form 990
Consolidated Financial Statement